Copy of Shared Small Mockup Template (Instagram Post)


The Result They Want, (even if/without whatever has them stuck or they don't want to do)!

Unlock/Download/Receive/Get my FREE [Title of Your Product] that can [quick win transformation they really want & time it takes or what they don't have to do that they hate]!

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Use the sections you want from below and simply delete what you don't.

The pain they feel in the current situation.

[The Type of Product] & what it helps them achieve quickly/in a given amount of time

What they're going to find inside:

  • How to [get #1 question answered]

    Add a little spice if you want

  • Avoid [what they really don't want]

    and why that is good

  • Take the steps to [get the results they really want]

    and how they'll feel then.

Untitled design (78)

A picture of the dream situation.

Copy of Shared Small Mockup Template (1)

A little connection!

I'm .....

A little bio snippet if you wish.

Kangaroo Head

Words from your fans

Name - Business

Why it's important to get this and what




Get it now!

What it will help them do:

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