Live: Monday July 31st  7pm -9:30pm EST

You're business dream is unique to you. You're excited, yet right now you're paralyzed with possibilities.

How would it feel if you created a streamlined plan that helped you take action with clarity & confidence?

Map A Clear Customer Pathway (In Just 2 Hours)

Lay a solid foundation for Growing your business

So that everything you build feels purposeful, relevant & strategic for both you & your clients

(Including your content, offers & website)


Blaze Your Trail with the

The Customer Journey Workshop

Know how to meet your customers where they're at and how you'll journey with them to reach their goals,

(while you reach yours)!

Live: Monday July 31st

7pm -9:30pm EST

Lead Funnel Kit Covers

In 2+ Hours you'll have a streamlined customer pathway, that helps fill your business pipeline.

  • 2 Hour Interactive Workshop
  • 30 Min Question & Answer
  • Recording Available in a Membership Area
  • The Blaze Your Trail Workbook
  • BONUS: "What to Build First" Worksheet
  • BONUS: 50% of a 1 hour 1:1 call
  • Just $47 (Next time it will be $97)
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Still Got Questions? Read More Below.


CJ Workshop
$ 47.00


  • CJ Workshop

    Customer Journey Workshop
  • Total

    USD $47.00


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"Your analogy with the Map of Australia helped me realise that I was on a journey that I loved and that I was taking other people on it.

There was a place I knew about that they didn't know about.

It put my business in a framework that made it fun and made it stick!

I could see that I was showing them around, looking for the spiders; it was a beautiful way to help me view my business and how I was helping others."

Bert - The Safe Space

Like to know a little more?

Lack of clarity has kept you in circles for far too long.

Yet the truth is, everything you need is already inside you. It's time to pull it out and put it in a plan that works for you!

Blaze Your Business Trail with The Customer Journey Workshop

What's Included:

  • 2 Hour LIVE Interactive Workshop

    • A combination of training and you doing the work with feedback
    • An additional 30 minutes for question and answers

  • Blaze Your Trail Work Book

    This will hold your Business & Marketing Strategy

    • Goals - personally & for your business
    • Customer Transformation - where they start to where they finish
    • Value Ladder - The sequential steps of your offers. 
    • Identifying the first step to build
  • Recording of the workshop

    Sometimes we just need to see it again so you can

    • pick up bits you don't remember
    • adjust your plan after you've had more time to think and receive feedback
    • revisit when you grow or pivot in your business
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Time to Blaze Your Trail?

Bonus 1: "What To Build First" Worksheet.

This will help you figure out which is the most important offer and system to build first (or next).

Bonus 1: "What To Build First" Worksheet.

This will help you figure out which is the most important offer and system to build first (or next).

The Secret to a Successful Business is a Solid, Yet Simplified Plan

Once you have a solid plan

  • You know where you are going. (It helps action taking rather than wandering).
  • You know the path to direct your clients on. (From their first interaction through to your highest value of service).
  • Your business will feel more free and exciting. (Clarity keeps you focussed).
  • You will have time for other things. (Including family because your action will be more strategic and completed faster).
  • You'll reduce distraction with other ideas. (One of the greatest challenges for entrepreneurs is "new ideas").
  • You'll know what you need to put in your messaging at each stage. (And where you'll direct people to take a step).
  • You'll know which offer to focus on first, or now. (This decision will be based on your biggest current need).
  • You're website will be more effective. (Because you are clear, it will be clear).
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2+ Hours to save you weeks & even months of ineffective progress.

  • Create a solid foundation to build on.
  • Build your website and assets with confidence.
  • Less wandering, more action.

Avoid costly mistakes. When starting out, every $$ counts.

  • Don't have to rebuild sooner than you want.
  • Going it alone takes time. Loss of time = loss of $$.
  • Spending time and money
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A workshop give opportunity to take action and get things done.

  • There will be teaching, then there will be time for you to do!
  • As others share, you will have you're own aha's
  • Ask questions when you get stuck.
  • Follow-up opportunity for a 1:1 consulting call.

You are ready if you know who you serve and what you can help them with.

  • Understanding the concept of a value ladder/customer journey will be a valuable step in your business.
  • Watch the recording at any time to add to or modify your value ladder
  • Refresh a current value ladder or business plan with new eyes.
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"Most entrepreneurs don’t suffer from a lack of ideas. Generally, the challenge is that they have too many ideas rolling around in their head in one jumbled mess.

Karen has the uncanny and natural ability to pull those ideas out and help put them in an order that makes sense…and makes money!"

Tammy Critch

In future, this workshop will be $97.

As this is the first round with a group, this is a special price.

(I usually do this 1:1  - $500 for 2 hours or $1500 for the day.)

Some questions you may have:

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A little connection!

I'm Karen,

I'm right there with you when it comes to overwhelm! If only my head didn't dream up so many possibilities!

However, one thing I've always loved is geography and maps. I love seeing from a "bird's eye view".

Who knew that this passion would lead to the skill of being able to help people map their business. In fact, this is my favourite thing to do ... help people build a strategic plan.

When you are heading into knew territories, it's so much easier when you have a map to follow. It helps to enjoy the ride!

You may think, "I should be able to figure this out myself", and you can, however:

  • We're often too close and it's hard to see clearly
  • Even trained marketers and business owners need guidance through their own offers.
  • Collaboration is valuable.
  • Everything is inside you. This process will help you pull it out and put it into something you can keep referring back to when things get cloudy or you get stuck.

This could help even if you have created a strategic plan or customer journey before.

  • This is a living, breathing process that grows and adjusts as we change and get more feedback from taking action
  • Using my unique analogy to help understand the phases has even helped clients who are seasoned marketers. It will give you a picture to "hang the information on".
Jennifer Mullins

"You have the ability to not only help people hone in on their natural talents/passions but you also have the skill to help them build those passions into a profitable business."

Jenn - Parent Interrupted

If you only get clarity on one step of your business that helps you move forward, would this be worth it?

Get unstuck & map your business growth path.


Help to map it out


Know where you are going


Strategic steps forward

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